Thursday, August 30, 2007

Historic Moment

It was four months ago when I last put Reese to sleep. She was one month old and I was the only one she would allow to put her to sleep. Somewhere down the line I was no longer 'good' enough to put her to sleep and only Mom could sooth my baby to sleep the proper way. But tonight marks an historic night in the Akins' household: Reese allowed me to put her to sleep!

Reese is a lot of fun now. I know I'm ridiculous thinking my little girl will never 'grow up.' I would prefer if she stayed the smiling baby that laughs at my crazy dancing. Ha. But, she grows more fun everyday. I got up with her at 4am this morning. I was mad. I was tired. I made a bottle in the dark being mad and tired...went to her room and she was laying on her back looking up and smiled when she saw me. Shhh...don't tell Mom, but we played a bit before it was back to bed. I couldn't remember stumbling out of bed and into my dresser. I couldn't remember putting my glasses on upside down. I couldn't remember dropping the bottle. I could only smile back at my little girl as she talked to me in her coded language.

I've been asked a lot, "How does it feel to be a dad?" The answer: the most amazing feeling in the world! I can't describe it and I don't want to remember what it was like before.

It was only 5 months ago we were a two person family. But the Lord has given Laura and I a true blessing. My little girl.


Staci said...

It only gets better! At each stage I think, "I want Brody to stay at this stage forever!"...then he moves on and I love the next stage even more!!!

laura said...

i missed putting her to sleep last night! so sad.