Friday, August 17, 2007

When It Rains...It Pours

I'm sure I'm the only one who has ever had this problem: you wash your tuck and it rains. I mean...come on. It's one thing if its June and it rains every single day at the exact same time. But we are in August and have not seen rain for weeks. I figured, "Doesn't look like rain. Probably good to wash it." Geez.

I feel helpless and good at the same time. My little girl [Laura has recently pointed out to me that I call Reese 'little girl' a lot] does not feel good. She has been congested and we think has some kind of ear ache. I feel helpless. I can play with her and make her smile more than anyone else the last couple of days when she feels bad. I feel good.

Isn't it amazing I can have two very different feelings? I mean...she is sick. She seems miserable at times. Yet, the fact I can have her stand on me, make some weird noises with my lips and she smiles and laughs makes me feel like all is right. I want to help her. I want to do whatever I can...but I can't. The best thing I've done besides get child's medicine that she can't even take for like 2 years, is make her smile and laugh.

Oh sure it's raining...but it could be worse. It's only a truck. The truck can be washed again. It's only congestion and MY little girl wants me to make her smile.

It's not so bad when it rains.


Sarah P said...

Sweet baby Reese! Feel better soon!

Shauna said...

Hey Travis - I am Shauna - I am a loyal Laura follower so I will now be checking out your blog to see if you are any good at this blogging thing! :) I am sure you will be. Your blog has already brought some encouragement to my life so keep it up!

Michael W said...

As an owner of a truck, I feel your pain, even though you hate my truck, I can still understand.

Annie said...

Hi Travis

Shauna said...


As a regular blogger and blog stalker, I feel like it is very important to inform you that these first few weeks are vital to your survival in blogger world. You must post regularly if you want to keep any of your readers.

