Wednesday, October 10, 2007

The Akins Family Motto

The scene: dinner at Khakis with Laura and Reese.

We just began eating so Laura placed Reese in her car seat next to her. Reese immediately sits up. She doesn't want to lay back in her seat.

I say, "Look, she doesn't want to sit back and relax."
Laura says, "Leaning back is a sign of weakness."
"Oh really?"
"Yeah. We Akins never give up....unless we're tired, don't feel like it, think it's worth it or see the point."
"Oh really? That should be our family motto."
"It already is."
Other things we discussed at dinner:
-our blogs and my lack of hits lately
-how awesome we are
-how funny it is we let future Travis and Laura handle things that we don't want to handle now
[seriously...this is what we talked about...seriously]

We Akins never give up....unless we're tired, don't feel like it, think it's worth it or see the point.


Staci said...

Don't worry...I always check your blog. It's on my bloglines feeds ;) I think it's great that you always post a picture...Laura doesn't do that! ;)

Emily said...

Future Laura and Future Travis? Thats hilarious. Have you been watching a little How I Met Your Mother? :)

Kara said...

i'm glad you know that pictures keep the people coming back for more!
i'll try to read your blog from now on. it better be good...

Susan said...

that was a hilarious post. I can totally see that conversation going down. Ya'll are to funny.