Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Blog About Nothing

There is one show that is a classic in my opinion. Seinfeld. The classic show about nothing. I say that because this blog is about nothing specficialy. It's the blog about nothing.

So guess what I did at work today? Well, did many things but one thing I'm thinking of. I cleaned off my desktop. Laura can't stand a 'messy' desktop. I can tolerate it to a point but then must clean it out. It's amazing what you build up over a few weeks on your computer.

I'm nervous. I'm nervous because my co-host for the GodPod has moved to Midland. We started this podcast last year for teenagers and we have been doing it every week since December last year. It's a blast to do a 20 minute show with prank calls, weird news, scripture sneak attacks, random games and whatever else we think of. It's more fun because of Steven. He's a good friend of mine and is 4 hours away. Got to figure something out.

I broke the pumpkin. Yeap. We were carving this awesome skull on the pumpkin last night. We were cutting the the middle nose part and as I tried to break that piece away...the right eye came off. Ruined the whole hour of me and Laura carving. She was upset I know, but didn't show it. She had been looking forward to it for a long time. But we came up with the one eyed crooked smile pumpkin. Weird.

She fell. I looked away for two seconds and Reese was on the ground. Reese likes the new game of 'throw whatever I have and see Dad pick it up over and over again.' We were playing this with the remote while sitting on the couch. I looked up at the weather for two seconds and Reese went looking for the remote head first. Ouch. She cried. I felt horrible [still do]. I was able to breathe easier when she looked up at me and smiled her awesome smile at me.

>We had a great High School devo this past Sunday. After our evening service our High School group went to a members home for dinner and a devo. I always enjoy sitting back and singing with our teens. You can just listen and tell they love to sing. It's an awesome thing to experience. I also think we all left encouraged to fill the empty feelings in life with Christ. "Come to me all who are weary..."

Some pictures to enjoy:

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