Saturday, October 6, 2007

Play by Play

As I sit here, Laura is feeding Reese rice cereal. Yummy!

This is a LIVE play by play account as I sit and watch.

Reese looks 'put out' that she has to go through this process of eating. Where is the bottle?

Reese is looking over at me...wondering probably why I'm sitting here typing. She just gave me a look that said, "leave us alone dude."

She seems more interested in anything but the spoon.

Now, Laura is teasing her daughter. She is holding the spoon in front of her. Reese leans in as far as she can. Not far enough. Laura just holds it there while Reese sticks her tongue out...leaning further and further. Mean mom! ha

Reese swallows. Immediately opens her mouth ready for the next bite. Very cute.

I'm not sure if she likes the meal, but she is really getting more excited with each bite. She can't take her eyes off the spoon now.
The food has spread from the lips area and is ALL OVER the face. I'm not sure how that happened and I've been sitting here watching.
Reese may be done with this. She is making noises like "I want out!"
Laura just said something to me and Reese got upset. She wants Mom's attention at all times.

I just figured out why Reese puts the food all over her face. She just stuck her tongue out and grabbed some more food off the side of our mouth. Smart baby. I didn't learn that till college.

I think she is done. She 'yellped' 'moaned' and gave me a pitiful look. She began to eat her hand, spreading the banana flavored cereal even more. I'm not sure the food is going down anymore. The food goes in and she immediately 'eats' her high chair.

I think I'll go save her. The noises are becoming more frequent.

1 comment:

laura said...

i wasn't teasing her. i was making eating FUN!