Monday, January 28, 2008

Drive-Thru Manicures

The funniest things always happen in the evenings. I love my life for small moments like this:

Laura and I are playing with Reese on the floor. Laura decides that she wants to 'work' on Reese's walking. So, I have sit in front of Laura so Reese can walk back and forth to us, holding on of course. One thing though: Reese refuses to stand. Every time Laura stands her up she immediately yelps out and sits down. Every time. 8 times in a row. I wish I had the video camera to show you. Very funny.

Well, the thing Reese wants right now is to get back to her little car. She can sit on this toy and she likes us to push her around while she plays with the things on it. So, she crawls over there and wants on. Laura puts her on. She plays. She is happy.

Laura grabbed something out of the cabinet and pulled Reese and her car around. It was Reese's finger nail clippers. Reese sticks her hand out in the girly know, "Heeeeyyyy!"

Laura says, "Drive-Thru Manicures."
I said, "For those in a rush!"

Funny to me.

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