Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Greatest Show Ever

So, there is a new show on tv. My tv. It titled...uhh..."Baby Sleeps. Baby Wakes." Very good show.

For Christmas, my parents got us...mainly Laura this wireless camera, security system. Their reasoning: while I'm on trips and what not she'll be more safe. So, I have to rig these two wireless cameras up so Laura will be safe while I'm on trips.

Anyways, we got anxious and wanted to see how it was. Ok...I got anxious and wanted to play with wireless camera technology. So, I rigged [taped] one of the cameras to Reese's crib. By the way...these things have night vision. Perfect.

I set it up. We couldn't wait for Reese to go to bed. I think we put her down like at 4pm or something that night...just kidding. We got her down and immediately turned on the tv, flipped over to input 2 and there it was....Reese sleeping.


We literally watched for 20 minutes. Her butt wiggled a little bit, but other than that there was nothing going on except a tired, sleeping baby. But, for us it was entertainment.

An hour or so later Reese began to whimper [wanting to finish her bottle] and we stopped everything we were doing and turned the tv over to input 2. We watched in awe. Reese was moving and rolled over. She rolled back and began to stand up. Ha.

It truly is the greatest show ever.

1 comment:

Staci said...

I've always thought it would be cool to see what Brody was doing in his room at night! I bet it's addicting to watch!