Monday, April 7, 2008

Thank You

I want to thank my beautiful wife.
Laura loves parties. Birthday's in particular. I don't like a lot of emphasis on my birthday. Nothing wrong with that, just not a big deal for me to 'go all out.' Laura on the other hand is crazy about them. They are national holidays. They are life stopping days. They are planning, preparing, going all out to celebrate, honor and get everyone together days.
I love her.

When our little girl graced us with her presence last year, Laura began planning her first birthday. Really. Literally.

I can remember one night when Reese was somewhere around 3/4months old. We were laying in bed when all the sudden Laura pops up and says, "I got it!"
"Reese's first birthday party. I know what we are going to do. It's been bothering me that I haven't thought of something I like. But I know now."
Laura went all out for Reese. I love it.

The only reason you are on my blog is one of two ways: 1)it's an accident 2)you came from Laura's blog. So, I don't have to re-cap the extravaganza. Laura has broken the party down in great detail. Click Here.

I simply want to say "Thank You" to Laura. She thought of everything for everyone. She wanted this part to be perfect. Not for herself. Not for me. Not for the grandparents. Not to impress anyone. The only reason every detail was thought out, every detail was worked on for two weeks, every detail was coordinated precisely was because she wanted our daughter to experience her first birthday.
We both know she won't remember the day. But I have no doubt our girl will always know how to celebrate because of her momma.
Thanks Laura.


Wendi said...

How sweet!

laura said...

aww. thanks travis. i had no idea you wrote this, i just accidentally came to your blog tonight (ha!).