Thursday, April 15, 2010

This Day in History

Have you seen the 1983 movie "Mr. Mom" starring the great Michael Keaton? He is Mr. Mom for months, I however was on this particular day.

It was daddy and the girls on a rainy day all alone. We didn't have run away vacuums or ironed grilled cheeses or anything like that, but we did have a great day together!

First of all. Lucy is a momma's girl. Hands down. I'm thinking about the day and I'm not sure she smiled at me once. I kept getting looks that said, "Where you put Mom? You shouldn't do that. Where you put Mom?" 

This look:

However, I think she had a good day. Anytime Reese is around is huge treat for her. She loves her big sis. So, the three of us played a lot today and I think Lucy may have looked past me sometimes to laugh with her sister.

Reese is my cooking helper. She loves to drag a chair to the kitchen and help me stir whatever we got going. She is an excellent helper. This morning she was right there with me on the big breakfast we cooked. Her speciality is stirring the eggs after I crack them. She is so good, I can crack the eggs and leave her to stir and they'll be ready for cooking in a couple of minutes.

Both girls slept well last night and today. The usual naps took place which gave me all of 45minutes to read and do nothing. When Reese made it known she was awake with her yelling, I went to open her door (her door sticks and she can't open it) and I was overwhelmed with the smell of Ocean Breeze Febreeze. Febreeze. I said, "Reese. Do you have Febreeze in here?"


"Where is it Reese?"

"It's right here daddy." She jumped on her bed and pulled out a can of Febreeze from the side of her bed. Stashed away in her little hiding place. I could only laugh.

I picked her up and she was drenched in Febreeze. Hair. Clothes. All of her. I said, "Whoa. That's strong." Her response, "I smell real good daddy."

A proud girl:

Laura called me at one point today. I picked up the phone and Reese immediately begins to talk at the phone. "Mommy! Mommy! Hi Mommy!" So, I gave the phone to Reese and she began telling Mom everything. At the end of her conversation Reese tells Laura this, "You coming home in a minute. Right?"

We were having fun too! But the way she said it was in a tone to let her mom know she is needed ASAP to salvage this day. I had to pick it up.

We made a pizza! I'm not sure I've ever done that, but we found some pizza dough package we had and we made a great pizza. I was really impressed with me and Reese's pizza making skills. Reese got to pound the dough, spread the sauce and put all the cheese on her pizza. We sauced and cheesed the dough too early. I told Reese, "We messed up. Silly daddy." Her reply, "No, no. Reese and Daddy are silly."

After dinner, I asked Reese if she wanted to slide. Can you guess her answer?

So I set this up:

And if I may say so myself, this was awe.some.

Lucy had fun sliding too:

Lucy's expression again is thinking "Mom wouldn't do this."No smiling.

It was a great day and we had fun being together. I love my two little girls and I love all the time I get to spend with them.

Mr. Mom day is over. Laura is home now and I very much appreciate her taking care of us in the special way she does every day. 



Staci said...

Sounds like you did an awesome job as Mr. Mom!!

Travis said...

not gonna lie. I did.