Monday, June 14, 2010

The Big Question with the Honest Answer

I want to ask the question you other parents are afraid to ask: is it OK if I don't like my child sometimes?

Here is the answer: YES.

Now, very recently Reese (our 3yr old) has been driving Laura and I bonkers (yes I used the word bonkers) at times. Not all the time, just during her peak moments of the day. But, I thought about this at dinner a couple of nights ago. I wasn't liking her at that moment. Not eating. Talking back. Non-stop talking. Dropping food. Running around the table. Complaining about the taste. Too hot. Too cold. I caught myself and thought, "Oh no. I'm the worst parent ever. I just said I don't like Reese right now." I cried inside for a moment. Not really.

The more I thought about this the more it makes sense. Especially at the her age, 3, it is very easy to not like her at times. Let us not go any further and have anyone (I don't care who you are) question my love for her in any way, shape or form. Don't go there and don't even think it. Since becoming a father I completely understand God's love for his children (you and me) more fully than I ever had in my life and now see the terrible torment God must have been in because his Son was on the cross. I can't imagine.

However, liking vs loving at times are completely different. I always love her. I choose to love her unconditionally just like Laura and Lucy. But liking? I can't claim that all the time. Sorry. She is 3 and whiny and bossy, and pushy and stubborn and irrational. I guarantee you that you don't like anyone who is like that most of the time. Whoever just thought, "That's not true, I like my stubborn, bossy, pushy, irrational friend all the time," YOU ARE LYING! HUSH.

I've been working on patience, not because I've been praying for more patience but because God gave me Reese. I love that girl, but ask Laura she is a mess sometimes. We just have to take a deep breath, remember she is only 3 and we are the adults and parents most of the time and we should let our love for her overwhelm the dislike at that particular moment.


1 comment:

A said...

Not my Reesie!!! You're a GREAT Dad!!!