Sunday, June 27, 2010

Observations of Small Town Living

I once uttered the words, "I could never live in a small town." Dumb right? I've always heard the stories of others saying those kinds of things and they al.ways. end up happening. This is the very case with me.

Well, living in a small town has changed life obviously. In our few short months out here we have adapted and figured out real quick how to live small. Here are my first five months of learning:

1. RELAX. Seriously a wonderful lesson for me these past few months. There is very little to get worked up over. People and crisis is about the only thing to fret over immediately. I don't think the relax attitude is apathy but rather a rewarding reminder that the most important things in life are people and there is no sense being all stressed and worked over the little things.

2. SURE. I'm not sure I have met someone here that has said "no" when asked if they would be willing to do something. I'm amazed at the work ethic by everyone here. Everyone is willing to do whatever it takes, jump right in and get the job done. It's a rewarding atmosphere and energizing feeling when others simply say, "Sure." What I've learned is to jump in and not consult my calendar, emails or what time it is and just help out in any way I can.

3. SLOW DOWN. You may ask my wife and she would tell you that I have a heavy foot when it comes to driving. Maybe it's growing up in the Metroplex and years of surviving. I don't know, but I've had my share of tickets. Around here though, there is zero sense in getting somewhere fast. What's the point? How is 5 minutes earlier going to achieve, help or accomplish whatever it is? It's not. If we keep on rushing all over the place we may forget to enjoy the ride a bit more. And out here there is some beautiful views to enjoy.

4. THE GARDEN. Now, this has been a rewarding lesson for me personally. Everyone has a garden. Everyone grows their vegetables. It's great. Laura wanted to do this so she got a small area and started a small, modest garden. It's wonderful. I'm not keeping up with it and what not, but it has given me more motivation in our overall yard. I spend way more time outside now. Keeping up with plants, flowers and the grass. Just sitting. Enjoying the breeze or right now the heat. I give this a big reason why my tv show intake has been cut substantially. I would rather sit and enjoy the garden.

I'm sure there are more observations. In fact, Laura is reading this right now and is about to tell me other ones we've talked about and I undoubtedly forgot to write here. We've been here 5 months and it's so apparent to us that we are to be here right now. We needed as a family, and for me, these lessons. I may have once said I couldn't do it, but trust me: I can do it.

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