Thursday, August 16, 2007

Flip that House

One of our favorite things to do [assuming Reese will allow us] is to watch TLC, HGTV or the likes. We love to watch shows about homes, flipping or decorating. A favorite of our is 'Flip That House.' Well...I think Laura has grown tired of only watching people fix their homes up. She is taking her knowledge from these great shows and whipping the home into shape. She has big plans for many areas of the home that, honestly I have no problem with. But, I have been informed on many occasions that our home 'needs more color.' So color is what we are getting!

Thursdays in the summer are great. For one particular reason: Prayer Lunch. This is a time where we invite the teens to the Youth Area, they bring their own lunch and then we spend time in prayer. That's it. That's the reason. Today we had 14 teenagers come up, eat and pray. How cool is that?

I'm not sure what I will blog about each time, but I hope I can add 'color' to the home. A big challenge for anyone is to constantly be setting our focus on Christ. Remember the challenge from Colossians 3 to 'set your hearts....set your minds on things above.' Thats a big order that requires 'flipping' everyday.


laura said...

Yes, I do have BIG plans for our house. If only we were millionaires. I'm so glad you finally got a blog. It's about time.

Susan said...

yeah! Travis has a blog! I can add another friend to mine. It will be fun to see what you write about. Go check out Donald's blog. Leave a comment on his and he will leave one on yours! Have a great day!
Love, Susan

Staci said...

Yay for a new blog friend :)

Ledbetter Fam said...

Travis, I'm glad that you are blogging now. Thanks for the reminder to keep focused on Christ. It's easy to forget when we get busy!

Juli Beth