Friday, August 24, 2007


It has been a very...very busy few days. Since my last post: I've had a different kind of busy on a Sunday morning, staff retreat and a retreat with my wife. It has been a good few days with no time for my new blog.

Our staff, our ever changing staff took a two night retreat to East Texas to look ahead for our church. I always enjoy retreats. I enjoy getting away from the norm and being with the group.

I had a special, impromptu retreat with Laura last night. We decided to see if my mother would want [like there was any real doubt] to keep Reese over night. She said yes and Laura and I got a hotel in town and we had a entire night to do whatever we wanted. AWESOME.

First we dropped the baby off. It was very hard for Laura but we said goodbye quickly and didn't talk about Reese till later in the night. Next step: check-in! Yes, we got a hotel in Arlington. Didn't go far, but just being in a hotel made it feel like a vacation. Our next activity was awesome...RANGER GAME! Laura actually wanted to go to the Ranger game. Just me and her and we sat front row center field right next to the bullpen. It was fun...although they lost [shocker!]. Then we did what anyone does in a hotel....rented a movie. Followed by sleep...glorious sleep with no Reese wanting to eat at 5am.

I love retreats. I especially love retreats with my wife. It was great for just the two of us to be 'away' with each other. It was a TREAT.


Susan said...

ya'll are too cute! I'm glad that ya'll could "get away". I'm suprised that Laura had not blogged about this yet!

Susan said...

Hi- it's me again. I spelled surprise wrong. I'm an idiot!

Ledbetter Fam said...

I'm glad that y'all did that for yourselves. David and I have done that a couple of times. Once we stayed in Arlington another time in Fort Worth. It is nice to be away from the house. We tend to thing of all the things that should or could be done around the house sometimes and forget to enjoy each other.

Juli Beth

Ledbetter Fam said...

Susan, I'm with you. I said thing instead of think! I hate it when people make typos and here I am doing myself.


Staci said...

I'm so glad that ya'll got away together! You need to make that a regular thing!