Tuesday, October 16, 2007

My Afternoon with Reese

Yesterday Laura had a Dr's appt. I had the honor and privilege of watching Reese for the afternoon. Fun.

I got home about 2pm. Reese just had a nap and was finishing a bottle. Laura left. We were alone.

What to do? Play? Eat? Go to the Ballpark and look at all the cool stuff and get a glimpse of the field?

So, we took a nap....not really. We went to the ballpark.

I did have a motive. I wanted a Colorado Rockies hat. [side note: they are the hottest team in sports history. unbelievable.] So we arrived at the ballpark in fall. We walked around the store there at the ballpark. We looked at everything [except Yankee junk they sell]. Reese enjoyed pulling on the shirts, holding the bats and putting the toys in her mouth. Lots of fun. We were walking around, talking when we went to the back and noticed that the entire field was torn up. No grass. Tractors digging holes. Weird site to see. We marveled at the site....ok I marveled.

After our stroll through baseball heaven, we stopped by Boss's office. This is my Dad who is wanting to be called Boss. How cool. We played with boss for a bit at his office. After her lesson in walking from her Boss, we headed home.

On our way home we made one quick stop for candy corn. Laura LOVES candy corn. Saying she loves candy corn is an uderstatment. When it is halloween time, it's candy corn time. Since she had to go to the dr. we got her a treat: a pumpkin full of candy corn.

We walked in the door, Reese showed her the treat and we all three hugged. Reese was most excited to see her mommy after a whole afternoon away. I love my Reesey time.


Staci said...

Candy Corn is pretty good...but it still doesn't compare to chocolate!

laura said...

i LOVED my candy corn pumpkin! y'all are the best.