Tuesday, April 28, 2009

2009 So Far

In January, Laura came out of our bedroom with a stick. It had this sign: +. She said, "I'm pregnant and it's your fault." Below is my fear and shock of this moment that had just unraveled.

I was venomously against any kind of hair-cut for Reese. In late January, I was convinced otherwise. My reasoning was there is no other moment in life where your hair could just grow naturally with no cuts. It was pure, shaggy and awesome. One afternoon during lunch, this happened:

For my Dad's birthday, we were going to reveal the big news of "big sis" Reese to everyone at his dinner. This was here cute shirt Laura made. We put a small coat over the shirt and when we were sitting at our dinner table, we took the coat off. As if we rehearsed, Reese stood up and my Mother looked at her shirt and read, "Big sis?" What shirt is tha.....ARE YOU SERIOUS!?" It was a neat moment.

We took Reese to the Zoo for the first time in February. It was a blast. She was in awe of all the animals. The best moment was when we got to the lion den. This lion was laying down. I was holding Reese and we were standing right in front of him. He got up. Looked right at us. Opened his huge mouth and roared as loud as I've ever heard. It was powerful and awesome. Reese got a bit scared and made us step back a few steps. Fun day.
Reese turned 2. *tear* My little girl had another awesome birthday. On her actual day, Laura and I picked her up after school and took her to a movie. Her first movie theater experience. Monsters vs. Aliens. She really enjoyed it, but has no idea what happened at the end. She fell asleep. As the first birthday proved, Laura threw an awesome celebration for out little girl.

Baseball season is a great time. Game #3 of the season, we were invited to a suite for a day game. It was a blast (as any game is) but to be in a great place with my girls was fun. We enjoyed the game, the beautiful weather, the food and very nice suite.

Well, most recently we found out what we've been guessing since January. Boy or Girl? And since you are only reading this because you came from Laura's blog, you know we are expecting a girl. I'm excited about a girl. Reese is going to have a sister and I think that is great. We took Reese to the sonogram appointment and she was right there with us when we found out. The sonogram guy checked the health of our baby and then, with Reese standing on the table where Laura was laying, looked at Reese and said, "Reese. You are having a.....sister!" Reese looked at him. Looked at me. Then wanted down. Ha.



Lauri Anne said...

Ya'll are so cute! When Micah took me to the zoo, the lion didn't roar for me-- so unfair :)

Staci said...

I love how when I subscribe to your blog the tag line says, "I accept all major credit cards"! lol