Friday, April 24, 2009

I Yelled and Even Flashed My Lights

Let's be honest. We all hate stupid drivers. Even if you are one, you don't like others. I'm the same way. It's maddening to be on the road when someone changes lanes for no reason. Or a car decides they would like to cross two lanes of traffic and a solid white line to exit. Or when someone does not grasp the concept of yielding. Or they are sitting at the Pleasant Ridge/Green Oaks light and can't seem to understand there are two left hand turn lanes and they each have their own lines and you can't just go back and forth between far left and right whenever you want! *sigh*

Well, last night we are driving home from Mansfield. I'm in the right lane on 287 when out of nowhere, all of the sudden an older Toyota Camry comes flying past us on the shoulder! I got hot fast. I yelled. I even turned my brights on just to show this person how mad I was. This car was flying at 100mph easy.

Then I look in my rear-view mirror and see these flashing red and blue lights. This cop car was coming up behind me and he was booking it. It immediately hits me....HIGH SPEED CHASE. I get over to let the police car by and my first thought was, "We should help!" I'm not sure what I could have done or how exactly I would have helped, but I just knew I wanted to gun it and get involved in getting this guy. But, I was mature *cough* and decided to just drive at legal limits (or 5mph over) and let the on duty professionals take care of this guy.



A said...

It's a good thing you didn't get hit by the speeding criminal or the cop!

Unknown said...

"Sounds like the typical guy" at least that would be Jessica's response...

Hey I heard you needed comments and some support...

Here is to your blogging experience.