Friday, April 23, 2010

I Love My Gift

A daughter is a gift of love.  ~Author Unknown

There is someone I haven't talked about on my blog before. It's not because I'm neglecting her, but since the last blog post, moving, etc. I haven't talked about her. So, this is long over due.

A precious gift was given to me and Laura last September in our little Lucy. She is awesome and at 7 months old is the complete opposite of her big sis. She sleeps. She doesn't cry. She has blue eyes.

No matter her personality, I know my little girls are going to be great friends. They love each other. Lucy will laugh at anything, I mean anything Reese does in front of her. I was discouraged the other day when I was trying to tickle Lucy and get a laugh. Lucy simply gave this stare of un-amusement. Reese walks up to ask me a question (about candy or something) and Lucy smiles so big. I tell Reese to tickle her and she touches her stomach and the biggest roar of laughter comes out.

It's fun now with two girls. When Laura was pregnant I hoped for another girl. I thought it would be great to have girls and they could be sisters. Now, Lucy is sitting and rolling (sorda) and starting to play with Reese. They are friends and partners now. It's great to sit here and watch them on the ground laughing, hugging and making high pitched squeal sounds.

Lucy came to us somewhat surprisingly. At the end of 2008, Laura and I began to pursue an adoption. We had been praying and talking about when and how to continue our family And the details are fuzzy on me, but something came over us (I believe a strong calling sense from God) to pursue adoption. We have some great friends in Arlington (where we were at the time) who adopted twice. We spent some time with them asking questions and experiences on adoption. We went to a orientation meeting that started us on the process with Children's Home of Abilene. During each step we grew more convinced that this was what were suppose to pursue. Our hearts grew more and more.....fond of the idea to take a child and love them and give them a home. Though I truly do believe God wanted us to go down that road, he gave us Lucy now. Will pursue adoption again? Probably. But for now we have this special gift.

I have two precious gifts that are blessings that grow each day. In no way did I deserve these remarkable little ones in my life. In no way was I prepared for life of all girls. But, Lucy came and I love Lucy...and Reese...and Laura.


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