Friday, April 9, 2010


Reese is a jokester. LOVE. IT. She has been telling jokes for months now and she just turned three. I'm not biased or anything, just a simple observation: that's genius. They are simple jokes, but they are hilarious. Here are some of them:

"Knock, knock....pooh pooh pickles!" (she doesn't wait around for "who's there")

"What the toot say to the other toot? thrrrrrrrrrrrr!"

"What the orange say to other orange? BANANAS!"

"What the little toot say to the big toot? thhhhhssssss"

"What the whale say to the other whale? orrooreerrreooore (whale sounds)"

And my favorite right now......

"I love pickles.............JUST KIDDING!"


1 comment:

Karla said...

Ahhh...Travis...I love the whale joke. That was one of Karenna's favorite jokes for years and years! What a sweet memory you brought back for me. I'm sure Reese is every bit as adorable as Karenna was when she is sharing it!