Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Jericho Returns

I'm so excited! Tonight my favorite show...right next to Smallville....returns after months. Jericho.

This is the show that was cancelled after a clifhanger season finale. People were mad. Upset. I admit...I sent a email voicing my complaint. Well, the network made others more mad than me and people began sending in bags...then barrels of peanuts to the network. The last episode had a line..."nuts"....in reference to a fight. Well, people sent tons of peanuts [litteraly] to the network. They re-thought their decision and are finally starting the second season tonight.

I'm glad...I like this show. It's the small things you know?


Staci said...

I LOVE Jerico!!! The bad thing...I'm pg and get up at 4 am to go to work, therefore, I usually fall asleep on the couch by 8:30...and we don't have anything to record shows with!!! I tried so hard to stay up last night and woke up at 9:54 pm. ARG!!! Now I'll have to go online to find it and watch it. Only 1 more week of getting up this early for work...then it shouldn't be a problem ;)

laura said...

GREAT. i think you love jericho more than me.